Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds can be a great snack and a healthy habit to help improve your immune system. Both can add significant amounts of essential nutrients to your healthy diet. For example, almonds are rich in vitamin E and B vitamins and have prebiotic properties that help increase beneficial immunity-boosting microbes. Walnuts have anti-inflammatory properties thanks to omega-3 fats content and can help improve your immunity with vitamin B65,6. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds deliver Vitamin E, B vitamins, and important minerals like copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc.
Meat and seafood
Including meat and fish in your diet can give your immune system a boost. Meat is not only a rich source of energy but also provides your body with iron, zinc, copper, and vitamin B6. All of these are important nutrients that play prominent roles in supporting healthy immune function. Various types of seafood also contain B vitamins and can help your body regulate inflammation while also promoting red and white blood cell development5,6.
Bread and cereals
Wholegrain bread and cereals like oats, wheat, and brown rice are good sources of B vitamins on our list. They help give your immune system a boost and they provide your body with fibre, a nutrient that plays a role in modulating immune system functions. If you are overweight, fibre can also help lower your BMI, a factor linked with improved immunity7.

Redoxon® Triple Action
with vitamin C, D and Zinc

Vitamin and mineral supplements
If you’re not sure if your diet provides you with all the necessary nutrients for a strong immune system, consider supplementing. Taking a supplement like Redoxon formulated specifically for immune support can help to strengthen your immunity and support it in preventing and fighting off any infection8.
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- D. Konig et al., ‘Zinc, iron and magnesium status in athletes – influence on the regulation of exercise induced stress and immune function’, Exercise Immunol Review, vol. 4, 1998, p. 2-21.
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- U.S Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. Office of Dietary Supplements: B12
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- Gombart AF, Pierre A, Maggini S. A Review of Micronutrients and the Immune System-Working in Harmony to Reduce the Risk of Infection. Nutrients 2020;12.